A Dedicated Power Supply is Critical for Your Office Copier

Many people are unaware of the importance to have their small office copier on a dedicated electrical circuit. Most if not every free standing, office copier requires a dedicated electrical circuit. Your traditional office copier uses 110-120 volts at 15 amps. When your copier is in operation the machine is drawing a high percentage of the available current from the power source. Therefore, if your copier is sharing an electrical circuit with another device or devices that are operating simultaneously you can easily create an over-demand for the available current resulting in a tripped breaker or potential damage to one or multiple devices.

Other things to be aware of is that you never want to plug your office copier into an extension cord or into a power strip that is shared with other devices. In the event that you encounter an inspection from the Fire Department they will likely frown upon either of these practices.

Important office copier electrical considerations:

  • Each office copier should have a dedicated electrical outlet and dedicated circuit
  • Industry approved electrical surge/power protectors will help to protect your equipment from surges caused during outages and acts of nature.
  • Never plug your office copier into an extension cord.
  • Never plug your office copier into a power strip that is shared by multiple devices.
  • Low Power Modes and Sleep Settings can be used during non-operational periods of time to help reduce the electricity used when machines are in standby mode.

Remember, your office copier is a very expensive piece of equipment and it behooves you to make sure that it is protected so make sure to follow these tips on proper electrical procedures and you can be comfortable that you would encounter any electrical related issues. Contact your copier account representative if you have specific questions regarding the electrical requirements of your specific copier.

Ross Wiffler: