New Copier Machine Helps Boost Office Morale

One of the most fun, rewarding and exciting parts of my job in the office equipment industry is delivering a new color copier, and seeing the genuine excitement that it brings to an office work place. Almost 100% of the time there is a very real excitement among the staff including high fives and audible relief that the company has finally gotten them a new copier. In a high percentage of cases office staff will mutter how frustrating and limiting it had become with their old copier machine and how grateful they are that they are finally blessed with a machine that helps accommodate their desire to get their copying, printing and scanning done efficiently.

New Copier Benefits

We’ve all seen it; the excitement that comes when a new color printer-copier-scanner is rolled into the office and “Old Betsy” is rolled out the door and put out to pasture. Since we all know what a morale boost it is for a staff to get a new copier, why do decision makers wait so long to make this highly awaited change? T his not only boosts morale but decreases the company’s employee turnover rate. Let’s consider a few factors;

I don’t want to spend any money because the budget it tight; This is the automatic knee jerk reaction to any process when a decision maker is asked to consider upgrading to a newer piece of equipment for the work place. In many cases however, upon completion of a thoughtful cost evaluation you will likely find that is costing more in higher maintenance, supplies and upkeep costs to keep your old copier machine than it would cost to upgrade to a newer, more efficient color printer-copier-scanner.

A new copier is not in the “budget”; another common knee jerk reaction when a decision maker is asked to consider an upgrade from an older copier to a new, improved color copier system. Budgets are important when considering a capital expenditure but when you consider that 90% of small business copier machines are leased and that there is no down payment required to lease a copier machine the “not in the budget” response really isn’t viable. When you further consider that the new copier lease will likely reduce the existing service and supply costs there will likely be no net increase in monthly operational expenses either. With no capital outlay needed and a reduction in operational expenses why wouldn’t you reward your staff with a new color copier machine.

We already have a copier and it’s under contract; again, this is a common refrain from decision makers when deflecting a request to consider a newer, more efficient color copier machine. When you examine the situation further you’d have to conclude that if you have an existing copier lease, you are already committed to an ongoing monthly cost for the use of a copier. If you are given the opportunity to replace your existing copier lease payment with a new, lower copier lease payment on a newer, more efficient machine, then why wouldn’t you consider reducing your payment and upgrading a newer machine that will better serve your staff and improve office morale? During my 30 years in the industry, in more cases than not we’re able to buyout an existing copier lease and replace it with a lower lease payment on a newer, more productive machine.

It never hurts to look at the numbers and if you truly are able to get a better copier machine while reducing your monthly costs with no capital outlay then it only makes common sense to consider.

So what are you waiting for? Bring a smile to the faces of your hard working staff and see if it makes sense for your business to replace that older, less efficient copier with a faster, more efficient color printer-copier-scanner. Office morale is so important and in the case of upgrading to a new color copier, it may not cost you a thing. Contact us for more copier information.

Ross Wiffler: