You’re in the middle of a big copying job and suddenly, the copier stops working. You may be tempted to try and fix it yourself, but except for these three simple problems, it’s never a good idea. A professional copier service like Common Sense Business Solutions is the way to go if you want to get back in business as quickly as possible.
- Fixing a jam. All copiers jam, especially if the paper try isn’t loaded correctly or the paper wasn’t stored properly and is curling. Digital copiers like the Konica Minolta Bizhub models we carry will show you on their screen where the jam is occurring. Open the relevant door, drawer, or feed and find the stuck piece of paper. Gently but firmly pull it out in the direction it would feed. Close everything back up and retry copying. Don’t yank the paper or you might tear it, leaving small piece behind that can’t be reached or removed.
- Remove an error code. One of the nicest features on digital copiers is that they usually give you a good indication of what’s wrong by displaying an error code. But sometimes those codes show up for no good reason. Before calling our copier service, try turning off the machine and unplugging it. Wait 20 seconds then plug it back in and turn the power back on. Odds are good the error message will resolve on its own. If not, give us a call. Someone may be able to walk you through a fix. If not, we’ll be out to service the machine, usually within two hours.
- Adjust printing quality. You may notice your copies are coming out too light. Do a quick check of the density setting to make sure it hasn’t been adjusted by someone who used the machine before you. Also check the toner levels; if low, replace the toner and try again.
Why You Should Let a Copier Service Handle Repairs
We understand—your copier is a vital piece of equipment. But if it breaks and you try to fix it yourself you could be looking at several problems:
- You might make the problem worse. They may work simply, but copiers are complex machines.
- You may void the warranty.
- You’ll end up frustrated and lose precious hours of productivity while you try to do it yourself.
Best Copier Service in Santa Rosa
CSBS services all the Konica Minolta Bizhub models we sell, and lease and our trained technicians are ready to help you keep your machine in perfect working condition. Our emergency copier service can help get you back up and running in no time.
For three decades, we’ve leased and sold state-of-the-art copiers to businesses throughout Sonoma County. Talk to us today to learn more about how owning or leasing your own copier can be one of the smartest business decisions you’ll ever make.