Full-color mailings indicate to your customers, clients, and employees that your company is willing to make an investment in its future. It also shows that you’ve mastered the production process and found a way to discover the economies of scale benefits that make color printing worthwhile. What’s the secret? Purchasing or leasing a color copier of course.
A Color Copier in 2018 Sure is Worth it
Full-color Mailings: Then and Now
Those days are over. The cost of owning or leasing a color copier has gone way down over the years to the point that you don’t have to worry about merely breaking even.
These days you can make every customer interaction a chance to build trust and put your best foot forward. Even invoices and routine mailings can present your brand and letterhead in vibrantly detailed color thanks to the economies-of-scale benefits that come with owning a color copier.
A compact yet powerful digital color copier from a company like Konica Minolta can put your company on the map and streamline your mailing and distribution processes.
Unlock Hidden Opportunities
When you incorporate a color copier into the day-to-day operations of your business you might very well discover hidden opportunities to upsell and cross-sell to your customers.
It’s not uncommon that you have a service that customers want but the offer simply hasn’t been conveyed yet. It could be as simple as potential customers having a few hours free on the weekend and looking for something fun to do.
A color copier can allow you to discover an upsell or cross-sell offer that makes your current customers a different offer – one that they might like more – or presents new customers with an opportunity that they didn’t even know existed before your color mailing came through the post.
Realize Economies-of-scale Cost Savings
By significantly reducing the cost-per-unit of each color mailing a color copier can allow your business to save significant amounts of time, money, and energy. As it turns out, you’ll be able to save space on inventory as well.
With a color copier you’re bound to dramatically improve the efficiencies associated with producing, storing, and disseminating your color mailings.
At a lower cost per page and much less overhead to worry about, you’re sure to save both in the short run and long term in terms of lower costs associated with inventory management and needing to have a battalion of printing specialists on retainer.
A color copier puts much more control in your hands and allows you to cut out the middleman. With a color copier you’ll be able to seize the moment and send out color mailings to your customers to take advantage of a current trend.
You’ll even be able to shore up more inventory space by making offers on items you’re hoping to move soon through your color mailings. Plus, color copiers collate, staple, and save your work digitally so that you can amend or return to it at a later time.
Scale Up at Any Time
All of this allows you to realize the 21st-century benefits of owning a color copier but still talk to your customers directly and put your brand in the best light possible. A color copier can enable your company to make thousands of copies ready for mailing in a single day thanks to the high-efficiency inkjet printers on the market today.
Pre-coated paper and high-quality inks ensure that your message is as distinctive as your brand and unique value proposition to customers. There’s no better time to realize the benefits.