There are a lot of factors to consider when your business is deciding whether buying or leasing copiers is the way to go. Cost, the growth of your business and its future needs are decisive factors that can inform your decision.
If you’re a small or medium-sized business owner in Sonoma County it could well pay dividends to lease a copier. Leasing means that you can avoid the upfront, lump sum costs associated with buying a business printer yet reap the advantages of actually owning a printer right away when it comes time to copy and print for your business and its marketing material.
Leasing with Common Sense Business Solutions
Leasing copiers and printers with Common Sense Business Solutions means getting all of the benefits without the drawbacks. When you lease a printer or copier for your business you can get a state-of-the-art printer from Konica Minolta without having to worry about long-term contracts, resale value or disposing your printer later.
- Lower Upfront Expenses
Common Sense Business Solutions can help guide you to the perfect business copier for your business’s evolving needs. For smaller Santa Rosa businesses, leasing copiers can make a lot of sense since doing so allows small business owners the opportunity to access a tool that will help them grow their business without high upfront expenses or credit volatility.
- Cutting-edge Features
Leasing allows any business – not just small businesses – the chance to avoid obsolescence and having to buy a new printer when your business grows or your business marketing needs change. By leasing copiers and printers you can stay on the cutting-edge in terms of features and scale up if your business demands more output or versatility.
- Updates and Troubleshooting
Software updates, troubleshooting, and chances to scale up are all available when you work with Common Sense Business Solutions. Doing so enables you to collaborate with experts who have years of experience working with businesses with similar structures and needs to yours. That helps to ensure that you’re getting the printing and copying solution that suits your current and future business trajectory and satisfies your clients.
- Filing Taxes? No Problem!
Another perk to leasing copiers is that you should be eligible for a section 179 deduction when it comes time to file taxes. Many business owners think that this is just reserved for purchases of printers and copiers but you can actually work with your business’s tax consultant to claim copier leasers as a business deduction. That’s one way to save even more by leasing copiers.
- Leasing Copiers with Operating Leases
An operating lease is sometimes called a fair market value lease because it gives you the flexibility of lower monthly payments compared to most capital leases. Operating leases tend to be the preferred option of most Santa Rosa businesses and a great option overall.
An operating lease gives your business the chance to purchase the printer once the lease ends, if that’s an option that you’d like to exercise down the road.
Whether you’re a business owner looking to commit to a series of small operating leases to access the latest technology offered by Konica Minolta or parlay your monthly payments into a purchase one day, operating leases are the way to go. Contact Common Sense Business Solutions to find out how leasing copiers works.