‘Office Space’ shows why Copier Repair is Necessary

“No! Not again! Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam! I swear to God one of these days I’m just going to kick this terrible copier out of the window.”  – Samir from Office Space

Yes, the scenes from Office Space that revolve around the copy machine are some of the funniest scenes for us here at Common Sense Business Solutions. But, they are also some of the most depressing. There is so much truth, in those movie scenes, to how people feel when their copier breaks down. The need for a copier repair, in that moment is the last thing on your mind.  We’ve seen it so many times before.

Honestly, your copier isn’t unlike your personal devices or equipment you use daily. All those devices or equipment, at some point in time will need to be repaired. Your copier is no different. To put things in perspective, your copier is used almost as much as you use your vehicle. So, for this blog post, we want to give you a handful of signs that’ll help you recognize it’s time to contact us for a copier repair.

Service Indicator

The first sign that you may need to contact us for a copier repair is, if you see a LCD warning display. Depending on the type of copier you or your company has, the message on the screen can read anything from “Needs Service” to “Call for Service”. Don’t ignore this! If you have no knowledge of how to do a copier repair, and you try and fix it yourself, you could end up doing way more damage than the copier originally had.

The first thing to check when you are going to call for a copier repair is, checking for a sticker. Look on the copier, there’s probably a label from us or from your copier repair service and maintenance provider. Get a pen and paper and write down the make and model number. If you have us as your copier repair service provider, then we’ll have your information on hand, but it’s always good to have the information handy, just in case.

If we are your copier repair company, rest assure, our tech support is second to none. Head over to our website and check our interactive tech support out. We have an exceptional remote diagnostic service that’s one of the best around. With that said, if you don’t end up using us, your choice of a copier repair company should have a technical service organization. They should have a remote diagnostic service that allows them the capability to see what’s going up with the copier.

So, now we’ll troubleshoot your copier and hopefully that’ll fix the problem. It’s a great service to have because it could stop one of our technicians from coming out for the copier repair and stop what could be an unnecessary bill. It may not fix the issue, but it’s a wonderful first step to have. Some top-notch copiers have the capability to set alerts off with your copier repair technicians. This is a cool service because it can alleviate your staff or yourself from having to always be mindful of your copier. Let the technology do the work for you.

Warming Times

How annoying is this? You are all set to make your copies, and the machine won’t turn over. Like your car, you keep trying and trying, but in the end, it’s taking forever, or it just won’t get going. This is an immediate sign that you need to contact us for your copier repair. All copiers, when they haven’t been used for some time, need a little time to warm up. If five minutes or more pass by, then this is a direct indicator that something is going on.

Copies Quality

Another sign that you’ll need a copier repair, is when your copies aren’t up to their normal quality. This is the easiest sign that you need a copier repair. Be on the lookout for streaks and lines on your copies and prints, blank copies, all black copies, and spotty prints. Honestly, if you notice these issues, a phone call to your copier repair company will be all that’s needed. We’ll troubleshoot the problem and get your copier back up and running in no time at all.

Copier Repair

There are many other signs than the ones I listed above, that you’ll need a copier repair. But the most important thing to remember is, your copier is not unlike any other device or piece of equipment you use daily. The more you use it, the more likely it’ll need some maintenance. We don’t want you to be like the Office Space guys, and take the copier to an open field and bash it in. Give us a shot at a copier repair before that, if we can’t fix it, we’ll give you the information to purchase a new one; and then, you have the green light to go Babe Ruth on it!

Ross Wiffler: