Many people have desktop printers at home for personal use. They work perfectly to print off your own documents, homework, and even photos people have emailed you. Some people also have these printers in their offices instead of larger all-in-one copiers. Are they as...
Many business owners, office managers, and others who need a copier are quick to buy one, but that may not be the best option. Leasing a copier has a number of advantages that can significantly impact your business’s options and overall finances. Leasing gives...
The single most fundamental question you can ask yourself when evaluating or planning your business printing options is – should I print in color or black and white? Anytime your business evaluates and updates its print plan, it is an opportunity to streamline,...
Reducing our overall impact on the environment within the workplace isn’t always easy, but it is important to us here at CSBS. When it comes to small business copiers and digital printers, plenty of quick fixes can be implemented to help you towards a greener office....
If you’ve been thinking about a new color copier for your office and have been putting it off, now may be the time to take action. Amidst fast-rising inflation and the global supply chain shortages, the costs of purchasing or leasing a color copying system has been on...