Many people have desktop printers at home for personal use. They work perfectly to print off your own documents, homework, and even photos people have emailed you. Some people also have these printers in their offices instead of larger all-in-one copiers. Are they as...
The single most fundamental question you can ask yourself when evaluating or planning your business printing options is – should I print in color or black and white? Anytime your business evaluates and updates its print plan, it is an opportunity to streamline,...
When you are ready to purchase a new copier scanner or if you decide that leasing one would be a better option, you might have a few questions that run through your mind. So, let’s take a look at ten common questions that are asked when purchasing/leasing a copier...
Most businesses lease a copier for the long-term flexibility and low monthly payments. Even still, you don’t want to get stuck with equipment that’s more than you need. Your copier lease terms should be fair and beneficial to you, and your dealer should help you...
Just like smartphones and flatscreen televisions, the technology in today’s business printers and copiers keeps getting smaller and more compact. While medium and large businesses often still need large multifunction printers that hold tons of paper and come with all...