In business, communication is key. Whether you’re communicating with employees, customers, or clients, it’s essential to have a reliable method of doing so. For many businesses, that reliable method is a copier. A copier may seem like a small and...
When you decide to enter into a color copier lease one of the biggest questions you’ll face is the length of the lease term. For whatever reason, over 90% of every business copier lease is written as either a 36 month lease or a 60 month lease though there are other...
Choosing the best copier for your business can be tricky. Once you’ve chosen the best model, you’re left with yet another decision – to lease or to buy? Generally, over time, the copier lease cost tends to be higher than buying, but there are several additional...
Copiers serve an important purpose. You often won’t find a company that doesn’t have one. However, when it’s your business’ turn to lease or buy a copier, you’ll probably find yourself wondering what’s best. You may think to yourself, “should I lease a copier near me...
Copier leasing offers a smart solution for saving money upfront, getting the best multifunctional printer technology available, and eliminating the risk of getting stuck with equipment longer than you need it. But did you know that leasing a copier also helps your...