You don’t have to run a multi-million-dollar, international corporation to have a top-of-the-line, multi-function printer at your business. In fact, as the owner of a small business, you don’t even have to purchase the capital equipment outright or settle for an...
Every business wants the same thing from their printers and copiers: when you click a button, the document comes out quickly and looks professional. Any amount of time your staff spends troubleshooting copier problems or tinkering with settings is time that could be...
Multifunction devices that copy, print and handle network scanning are the right choice for most businesses regardless of their size. A copier scanner that does all that as well as emails and faxes has obvious business benefits. Simply having a copier scanner that can...
You might see the savings possible from buying used copiers and think, what’s the catch? When you can get a cutting-edge piece of equipment at a steep discount, such as the Konica Minolta Bizhub C454e multifunction printer, there doesn’t have to be a catch at all....
Why wouldn’t you save a chunk of money by buying a refurbished copier rather than a new one? Some people hesitate because they fear getting a lemon. And a broken or difficult-to-use copier can really drive you nuts. Fortunately, you aren’t wading into unknown waters...