Many people have desktop printers at home for personal use. They work perfectly to print off your own documents, homework, and even photos people have emailed you. Some people also have these printers in their offices instead of larger all-in-one copiers. Are they as...
Here at CSBS, we have helped hundreds, if not thousands, of our neighboring businesses improve efficiency, save money, and increase customer satisfaction by streamlining their office procedures. Consolidating print resources, networking copiers, and developing simpler...
In business, communication is key. Whether you’re communicating with employees, customers, or clients, it’s essential to have a reliable method of doing so. For many businesses, that reliable method is a copier. A copier may seem like a small and...
When you are first starting out in a business, or you want to keep your expenditures low for a period of time in order to conserve capital, one of the best decisions you can make for your business budget is to ‘buy used.” There are many standard office tools and...
Ever been asked, “Can you just sign it and scan it back to me?” While your lips say, “Sure,” over the phone, your mind might be saying, “Hmmm…now, how exactly do I do that?” Actually, there are several ways, and they are all pretty easy. The question of how to scan...