Many people have desktop printers at home for personal use. They work perfectly to print off your own documents, homework, and even photos people have emailed you. Some people also have these printers in their offices instead of larger all-in-one copiers. Are they as...
How efficient is your office? Office efficiency is a good measure of productivity, of course, but it’s also a good sign that you’re not wasting money or other resources. When working to improve efficiency, you want to look at every area of your office, even if it...
Copiers are an important part of modern businesses. Having a hard copy of a receipt, document, or other paperwork is still very important. Today’s copiers do more than just copy, too—many are all-in-one devices that serve as your printer, copier, and fax machine....
Many businesses need at least one copier, if not more. Not all copiers are equal, though, which is why it’s important to take some time to determine the right copier for you. For some businesses, color copiers are ideal. Real estate professionals, for example, will...
The single most fundamental question you can ask yourself when evaluating or planning your business printing options is – should I print in color or black and white? Anytime your business evaluates and updates its print plan, it is an opportunity to streamline,...