Common Sense Business Solutions Official Blog
Copier Scanner Santa Rosa FAQs
When you are ready to purchase a new copier scanner or if you decide that leasing one would be a better option, you might have a few questions that run through your mind. So, let’s take a look at ten common questions that are asked when purchasing/leasing a copier...
What Should I Know About Leasing Copiers
You need a copier, but you don’t need one all the time. That leaves you with one smart option: leasing copiers. If you’re like most people, though, the world of leasing copiers is unknown. Where do you begin? What are you looking for? How much will it cost? Before you...
Will a Small Business Copier Last as Long as a Larger One?
While the push has been toward going digital and paperless, businesses both large and small still need to utilize paper copies on a daily basis. Just because you own a small business definitely does not mean your printing needs are small. You may need more than a...
Is it a Good Idea to buy Refurbished Copiers?
You need a new copier, and you’ve been shopping around. The new ones are so expensive, though, and you’ve discovered an exciting option: refurbished copiers. Refurbished copiers are used copier units that have been revamped and repaired by certified technicians. When...
How do off Lease Copiers Save you Money?
Looking for a way to save some money on your copier needs? Why not consider off-lease copiers? Off-lease copiers are used copy machines that were once leased out and have now come off lease. They’re a safer bet than strictly used machines, as they’ve been repaired,...
What is the Difference Between Local and Network Printers?
You’re shopping for new printers, and you’re very excited to find the solution that works for you. As you browse the options, though, you keep coming across one confounding description: local vs. network printers. What’s the difference? And how do you know which is...
7 Things to Look for in a Small Business Copier
As a small business, it is likely that you often feel that paperwork is your business. In spite of many companies trying to move to digital data, there are still a vast number of reasons you need effective copy and printing solutions for your office. Buying a small...
Is a Laser Printer and Scanner in One Best or Should They Be Separate?
One of the most important things that a company deals with is paperwork. Whether you are needing to print documents, scan documents, or make copies, how efficiently your company processes paperwork can affect your bottom line in a number of ways. When it comes to...
How do Managed Print Services Work?
Printing is a critical function for virtually any retail business. That much is concrete. How each company approaches that printing, though, is flexible. At the end of the day, that approach impacts key metrics like cost, effectiveness, and turnaround time. Each of...
How to Select Between Companies that Sell Copiers
Are you looking to upgrade your existing copier or invest in new equipment? Are you confused by the number of companies that sell copiers? If you haven't bought or leased a copier recently, it can be difficult to know what to look for. In this post, we will try to...