What is a bypass tray? This is one of the questions I frequently field when visiting clients. So, if this is one of your questions, let’s see if I can answer it for you. Business Copy Machine Bypass Tray Tips First, let’s see what a bypass tray looks like. In the...
Many of the business copy machines we have set up for clients in Santa Rosa have a bypass tray feature. This is a great feature that enables users to print on a wide variety different paper sizes or types. For instance, we have a Realtor’s office in town who...
With the all the latest trends and technological advancements entering the workplace, we field questions concerning data security and HIPPA compliance almost daily. Concerns regarding the use of the business copy machines to process sensitive data such as PHI...
Background In early 2011 Ross Wiffler of Common Sense Business Solutions met with Kimberly Williams of St. Vincent de Paul Church in Petaluma to explore alternatives to their existing copy machine. During the meeting Kimberly shared that St. Vincent de Paul Church had...